Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Caught Stealing Signs

[And The Playoffs Have Yet To Begin!]

Same old story. Same sad, pathetic, juvenile, ooooooold story.

Stealing the lawn signs and placards of the opposition.

When will they ever learn? When will we???
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McCarthy Opponent Becker’s Thugs Steal 30 Lawn Signs from Dem Club Booths at Bellmore Street Fair

Becker campaign worker attempts to disrupt successful Dem campaigning efforts a failure as Becker is confronted on Bellmore street in front of hundreds of fair goers.

Democrats Demand a Public Apology

As reported by Robert Young, President, Bellmore-Merrick Democratic Club

It was a bright and sunny day as Democratic and Progressive activists operated a thirty foot display at the Bellmore Street Fair promoting candidates, politics and our local elected officials. Volunteers from Merrick, Bellmore, Oceanside, Baldwin, Levittown, and East Meadow distributed thousands of pieces of literature for our local candidates and promoted a common agenda. Even Chuck Schumer, Tom DiNapoli, and Eric Schneiderman campaigned at this event which draws over 100,000 people a year.

Then at about 3:00 PM, two unknown individuals approach the Bellmore- Merrick Dem Club and Yes We Can tables and walk off with two armfuls each of Carolyn McCarty lawn signs. This was witnessed by at least 10 people . It happened so fast that the booth volunteers failed to realize what was going on because they never suspected that people would actually be stealing lawn signs from a well staffed table in front of a huge crowd of fair goers. Within seconds, Dan Checkla (Mid-Nassau), Ellis Simon (Oceanside) and Bob Young (Bellmore-Merrick) gave chase and captured one of the thieves. After being quickly questioned and
relieved of the stolen merchandise, the Dem activists released him. Not knowing who he was, the plan was that this individual would go to the “bigger fish” .And so he did….. Right to Becker.

Reunited with his fellow gangsters and under the protection of his boss, this individual felt it was over and he was safe. At that point Bob Young confronted Becker and his people. Becker was informed about what happened and immediately challenged the Dem activist. Mr. Young went on to publicly embarrass McCarthy’s opponent, who is also a Nassau County Legislator in front of a large crowd of people. Immediately there after, a complaint was lodged with the President of the Bellmore Chamber of Commerce, who then took the activist to the Nassau County Police Booth to file a complaint. After some officers tried to minimize the complaint, Mr. Young asked if they would rather have the Congresswomen call the precinct directly. The complaint was then quickly taken.

While we are familiar with similar events in the past, it is quite shocking that an elected official running for the United States Congress would allow and possibly encourage this behavior from his supporters. The Bellmore-Merrick Democratic Club publicly calls on Mr. Becker to publicly apologize for his campaign worker’s illegal activities and assure the voters of his district that he will discipline those involved and remove them from his campaign. While Mr. Becker yelled about free speech on Bedford Ave when asked by Bellmore Street Fair organizers to not carry posters on sticks (a public safety issue), we find it ironic that his campaign workers would deny the right of free speech to others.

Please contact the Becker Campaign and demand a public apology:

Becker for Congress Headquarters 173 Earle Avenue Lynbrook, NY 11563 HQ Phone Number: 516-698-8890

Campaign Manager: Hilary Becker

Press Secretary: Tim Homa

Volunteer Information & General Inquiry: info@beckerforcongress.com Beth Sutton 916-949-5978

Mailing Address: Becker for Congress P.O. Box 535 Merrick, NY 11566-0535

Campaign Voicemail: 516-887-8050

Email Addresses General Inquiries: info@beckerforcongress.com

Press Inquiries: press@beckerforcongress.com
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