Friday, June 03, 2005


New meaning to “keep those cards and letters coming!” Still another mailing from our friends at the Town of Hempstead, this time to remind us about the Town’s “One Stop Passport Shop.”

Yes sir, why bother to go to your local neighborhood Post Office when you can go to Town Hall to complete your Passport application.

Why, they’ll even take your Passport picture for a nominal fee. [Surprise. They have photographers at the ready at Town Hall. Gee. Will wonders never cease?] Of course, there is just one small catch. Every Passport photo taken at Town Hall will show both the applicant AND Town Supervisor Kate Murray. SMILE!

Not only does the Town of Hempstead offer Passport services, so you can get out of town in a hurry, they also have a Mobile Passport Service, “bringing Passport services to your doorstep.” Funny. We always thought that those who applied for Passports were a relatively mobile lot, capable of traveling to the Passport Office under their own power. What do we know?

Looking to cut costs at Town Hall? Rethink the need for a One Stop Passport Shop. In these times, it is a luxury we cannot afford. If nothing else, axe the Mobile Passport Office (with the price of gas these days, taxpayers could go to Europe for what it costs to send a converted mobile home around our Town). And for goodness sake, stop with all those postcards, letters and glossy brochures. You’re not winning any friends by wasting taxpayers’ money!

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