Saturday, December 22, 2007

Does It Pass "The Straight Face Test?"

"Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free."—Jesus, Gospel of John, verse 8:32

In political circles, as in life, we often hear and see things that just don't sit well with us. At first blush, what is said or heard may make sense -- or absolutely not -- but when we listen closely, or pay particular attention, there's something not quite right.

Sometimes, what is said, or done, especially in the very public realm of government, makes no sense at all. In fact, locally, much of what we see and hear from government, by way of word and deed, amounts to such utter nonsense that it does not pass what is often referred to as "the straight face test."

In other words, the speaker/actor is hard-pressed to keep a straight face (perhaps that's why Kate Murray is always smiling), and the listener/recipient can barely keep a straight face upon getting the news (not so much of a chuckle as it is a grimace, we suppose).

At The Community Alliance blog, we've endeavored -- and perhaps not always with a straight face ourselves -- to give you some insight into what's behind the masks of tragedy and comedy, and to serve as both conduit for debate and springboard to action.

Of course, action all too often lags behind the dialogue, sometimes appearing as a disconnect between the slap in the face and the expression of pain.

Trust us. The pain is real. The lag is catching up to the wag. Folks are reading, thinking. The wall is beginning not only to crumble, but to be dismantled, brick by brick. [Witness the small successes in the special taxing district elections of December 11th.]

And if there is progress to be made based on the sheer power of the written word, the notable designation of The Community Alliance blog as the 'highest rated" blog on is not only a feather in our cap, but a testament to the good people of Long Island -- in particular, the tortured and taxed souls of Hempstead Town -- who have been reading, thinking, talking, seeing the light, and now, taking the first steps, albeit little ones, toward bringing government back where it belongs -- with the people.

They always say you should go out while you're still on top -- as in a hit TV series, ala M*A*S*H* or Seinfeld. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Along these lines, note -- to some, not sadly -- that this will be the last blogpost of 2007. What will be when we ring in the new year remains but a wistful vision; a hope for the continued revival of what is the very essence of community.

We're counting on YOU, advocates and activists of community all, for insight, input, and inspiration.

Let us hear from you at Write early and often.

We'd like to think that we've planted the seed, and told it, if not exactly as it may be, then with at least the best of intentions to tell it with a slightly askew, but nonetheless straight face.

Our objective -- other than, seemingly, to taunt "she whose name shall not be mentioned" -- has been to educate, inform, enlighten, and, yes, entertain. We've beat the drum, and, hopefully, called many a civic warrior to arms on behalf of this wonderful community we call Long Island.

Don't stop now, ladies and gents. Better days are yet to come!

We wish you a warm and wonderful season, filled with family, friends, and if not outright joy in these most troubled times, then certainly, the prospect of kinder, gentler times in 2008 and beyond.

Onward and upward!

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