Friday, May 18, 2007

Number One On Your Hit Parade

The Hits Keep Coming At The Community Alliance Blog

A record 93,648 "hits" on Long Island's premier quality of life blog last week -- a new high (and we weren't even sniffing anything at the time).

The Community Alliance Blog has been called "provocative," "insightful," and "a humorous romp through political minefields," with at least one local politico saying, "residents would gladly pay twice the going rate to enjoy reading this rant."

93,648 "hits," and, yes, we're still standing, battling, and giving community's enemies that hard swift kick in the groin they so unabashedly deserve.

Thank you for making The Community Alliance Blog the Number One quality of life mouthpiece north of what's left of the New Jersey Pine Barrens.

93,648 "hits" (and a good 12 1/2 "reads"). Were you one of them?

Make The Community Alliance Blog a part of your day, every day. You never know. We may be blogging about YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations. Have you considered creating a blogroll? You do great work in promoting community. Online you can help foster a Long Island blogosphere by linking to local blogs that are engaged in many of the same issues as you.
    Please, give it a thought, share some of those readers, and be a good "netizen"!
    - Tim from
