Monday, November 05, 2007

Lives Of Quiet Desperation

Its Time To Make Some Noise

Do we go quietly into that dark, still night, or, despite the stiff wind in our faces -- and the odds squarely against us -- do we go out there and raise a raucous?

The 2007 election season is drawing to a close, thankfully. The lit drops. The phone banks. The mailings at taxpayer expense. The political drudgery and skullduggery.

Throw the bums out or stay the course? Send the message that we need a change, or all's well with the way things are. These are the questions that each of us will be called upon to answer tomorrow, November 6th.

What you should be asking yourself is, "What has my legislator, councilmember, town supervisor, or other elected official done for our community?"

If the answer is "not much," or worse yet, "absolutely nothing," then clearly, its time to give the other fella -- or gal -- a chance.

Has he (or she) been responsive, responsible, accountable, and more than just visible via photo op? Have you gotten what you paid for, or only what you voted for?

Do you ride the wave, hoping it doesn't wipe you out, or set sail on a new course, even if its into yet uncharted waters?

Some say, "the enemy we know is better than the enemy we don't know." Quite possibly. Then again, what became of those friends of community we so optimistically voted into office way back when?

Once a year (more than that, if you include the school budget and special district elections), you get the opportunity to choose, to consider alternatives, to vent, and, ultimately, to decide your community's own fate.

Not something to be undertaken lightly, but something that must be done.

On Tuesday, take a respite from your life of quiet desperation, and get out there and make some noise. VOTE!
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Polls will be open in New York from 6 AM to 9 PM.

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